it’s a scary kind of feeling. but it’s so exhilarating…

The reality of our upcoming adventure is finally sinking in and becoming real; we’re actually leaving our apartment to go on tour!

The pictures have been taken off the walls which have now been patched and painted; most of our stuff has been packed and moved into storage; the apartment has been cleaned and is now basically ready to hand over to our subletters this weekend (minus the bikes in the photo. Mine will come with me and Emma’s will be placed into storage later this week)! All of these events happened in the midst of Emma’s first week of rehearsals and me working Merch at Mean Girls. We couldn’t have done it without the help of our friends…and the cleaning company we hired!

Although we’re leaving the apartment this weekend, we don’t leave NYC until the 11th. Thankfully, our friends have stepped in again by offering us space in their apartments. It reminds us of moving to New York around this time four years ago and the generosity of the friends who let us crash with them until we found a place of our own. We will miss our apartment, but we will really miss our friends!

In a few weeks, we will be in Buffalo with a new group of friends. Emma’s now met most of the people who we will be spending the next year or so with, but I probably won’t meet them until we’re all at the airport together on the 11th. Apparently, Emma’s already lined up friendships for me though. #instantfriends.

The rest of this week is going to be focused on finishing packing our suitcases and making sure we don’t forget anything that we need! I plan to do a post soon about what we are taking with us, but if you have any suggestions of must-have items for the road, let us know in the comments or on our facebook page.

More soon!


our storage unit!
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